So, your beautiful bundle has arrived, and you’ve spent the last 6+ weeks in newborn bliss (with a side of exhaustion!) You have the all-clear from your doctor to get back to exercise, but what now?
Evolved Pilates mum’s and bubs is the perfect way to get back to you. Bring your bubba with you and connect with a group of women all in the same baby bubble. With our small group class (capped at 8) we will focus on your individual recovery, while also helping you to regain your strength, ready for all the carrying, feeding, changing, bathing and well, life with a baby and beyond!
Join us for our Mums and Bubs classes where we will focus on recovery, pelvic floor, core strength, posture and release of those tight, tired muscles, in a relaxed and fun environment. You’ll feel stronger and just that little more together again. The course instructor, Jane has 3 children herself and can’t wait for some baby snuggles while you focus on you! Mumma’s, it’s time!
Evolved Pilates Mums and Bubs classes run on Wednesday @ 11am. Wear comfortable clothes, bring a towel, water, and your little person.
We can’t wait to see you and meet your little one!